Premanand Maharaj ji: Spiritual Journey of a Beloved Guru

Let us carry the essence of Maharaj Ji's teachings in our hearts, forever aspiring to the divine love and grace that Vrindavan epitomizes.
Last Updated on 4 April 2024
Premanand Maharaj: Spiritual Journey of a Beloved Guru

We are welcoming you again to the Vyas for Youth series of which we introduce you to the saints of India and present their lifelong significance for your spiritual growth.

To read these words today, we are presenting before you the life and style of Gurudev Bhagwan Shri Hit Premanandji Maharaj, who is everyone’s favorite, Naishthik Brahmachari, Shyamaju’s friend, and Brahmachari to our youth, who makes such thoughts meaningful.

Before starting the article, I want to tell you that it is not for everyone capable of saying or writing anything about such great personalities. But for all of you, friends, after some research, I will present a few words about Gurudev Bhagwan Shri Hit Premanandji Maharaj.

Since we are going to learn about a high-level devotee of Shrimati Radha Rani, let us first remember Shyamaju.

Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe Vrindavaneshvari
Vrishabhanu-Sute Devi Pranamami Hari-Priye

Yes, We can start now. Radha Radha to everyone.

Early Childhood of Shri Premanand Maharaj ji: A Latent Spiritual Spark

Pujya Premanand Maharaj Ji was part of a simple yet very spiritual family in Akhri Village, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. They named him Aniruddh Kumar Pandey.

His family was:

  • Led by a Sannyasi grandfather, creating a pure and calm home.
  • His dad, Shri Shambu Pandey, and his mom, Shrimati Rama Devi, were very religious. They loved to help and serve saints.
  • His elder brother used to read from the Shrimad Bhagavatam, making their home full of spiritual vibes.

“From a young age, Maharaj Ji was surrounded by devotion and prayer, which lit the spark of spirituality within him.”

As a kid, Premanand Maharaj Ji loved to recite prayers and chants. By the time he was in the 5th grade, he was already exploring spiritual books like the Shri Sukh Sagar.

His curiosity about life grew, leading him to ask deep questions:

  • Is the love of parents everlasting?
  • Why chase temporary happiness?
  • What’s the real point of school and learning about worldly things?

Early Childhood of Shri Premanand Maharaj ji: A Latent Spiritual Spark

By the 9th grade, Maharaj Ji felt a strong call towards a spiritual life. He questioned the life and sought the truth behind human existence.

After sharing his thoughts with his mom, he made a bold move. At just thirteen, he left home at 3 am, eager to follow the spiritual path and discover the truth about life.

To seek answers he began chanting Shri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram (श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम) and Shri Krishn Govind Hare Murari (श्री कृष्ण गोविन्द हरे मुरारी)

Life as a Brahmachari and Sanyaas Diksha

Maharaj Ji was deeply committed to spiritual life, taking a vow of Naisthik Brahmacharya.

He received the name AnandSwaroop Brahmchari and, later on, embraced Sannyasa. With this commitment, he was named Swami Anand Ashram.

Maharaj Ji chose a life of absolute renunciation, adhering to stringent principles to transcend bodily awareness.

He lived by Aakashvriti, a practice of:

Relying solely on what is provided through divine grace, without personal effort.

“On the banks of the river Ganges, Premanand Maharaj Ji found his sanctuary, living beyond the confines of Ashram hierarchy.”

Bond with the Ganges

The river Ganges played a pivotal role in his spiritual journey, becoming like a second mother to him.

His days were spent wandering along the Ghats, from Assi-Ghat to the stretches between Haridwar and Varanasi, indifferent to hunger, clothing, or weather.

Despite severe winters, he regularly bathed in the Ganges three times daily.

Maharaj Ji undertook prolonged fasts, enduring the cold while remaining deeply immersed in meditation on “The Ultimate” (हर छन ब्रह्माकार वृति).

Within a few years of adopting Sannyasa, Premanand Maharaj Ji received a profound blessing from Lord Shiva, marking a significant milestone in his spiritual odyssey.

On the banks of the river Ganges, Premanand Maharaj Ji found his sanctuary

First Seeds of Bhakti and Coming to Vrindavan

Maharaj Ji was very special because Lord Shiva, who knows everything and is very kind, had blessed him. But Maharaj Ji wanted to understand and experience even more about life and spirituality.

A Special Moment in Banaras

One day, while he was sitting quietly and thinking deep thoughts under a tree in Banaras, something amazing happened. Thanks to the kind guidance of Shri ShyamaShyam, he felt a strong pull towards the beautiful place of Vrindavan.

Then, he got a nudge from a wise person to go see Raas Lila, a special spiritual play that Swami Shri Sriram Sharma was putting on. He decided to go, and for a whole month, he watched these plays every day.

In the morning, he saw stories about Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

At night, it was the magical Raas Lila of Shri ShyamaShyam.

This month changed everything for him. He was so touched and amazed by these stories that he couldn’t think of his life without them anymore.

A Life-Changing Journey to Vrindavan

Following Swami Ji’s advice and with a little help from a follower of Shri Narayan Das Bhaktmali, Premanand Maharaj Ji took a big step. He got on a train to Mathura, not knowing how much Vrindavan would mean to him. It was like Vrindavan captured his heart and never let go.

The transition from a Sanyaasi to Radha Vallabhi Saint

Maharaj Ji arrived in Vrindavan without knowing anyone. He started his days by walking around the holy town (परिक्रमा) and visiting the Shri Banke Bihari temple.

A benevolent saint at the Banke Bihari temple suggested that he also go to the Shri Radha Vallabh Mandir. Radha Valllabh Ji captivated Premanand Maharaj Ji, who stood in awe of him for hours. The temple authorities were naturally nice to him after observing his devotion.

Transition of Premanand Maharaj ji from a Sanyaasi to RadhaVallabhi Saint

Learning and Realizations

One day, Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami Ji shared a verse from Shri Radha Ras Sudha Nidhi.
Even though Premanand Maharaj Ji knew Sanskrit well, he couldn’t grasp the verse’s deep meaning. Goswami Ji encouraged him to chant the name of Shri Harivansh, which Maharaj Ji was hesitant about at first. However, by the next day, he found himself naturally chanting Harivansh’s name during his walk around the town, feeling the power of this holy name.

“While walking around Vrindavan one morning, Premanand Maharaj Ji heard a Sakhi (a female companion) singing a beautiful verse that captured his heart. Despite the norms of Sannyas (a monk’s life), he asked her about the verse.”

“Shri Priya-vadan chhabi-chandra manau, Preetam-nain-chakor | Prem-sudha-ras-madhuri, paan karta nisi-bhor”

Ignoring Sanyaas’s regulations, Maharaj Ji spoke to the Sakhi and asked her to clarify the verse she was singing. With a smile, she informed him that he needed to become a RadhaVallabhi in order to comprehend this passage.

Spiritual Path and Guidance

Eager to learn, Premanand Maharaj Ji quickly went to Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami Ji for spiritual initiation, just as the Goswami community had foreseen. He was initiated into the Radha Vallabh tradition with a special mantra.

Shri Hit MohitMaral Goswami Ji

Maharaj Ji, with promptness and enthusiasm, sought initiation from Pujya Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami Ji, confirming the Goswami Parikar’s prediction. He was welcomed into the Radha Vallabh Sampradaya with the Sharnagat Mantra.

Shortly after, at Pujya Shri Goswami Ji’s urging, Premanand Maharaj Ji encountered his current spiritual guide, the distinguished and respected Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharan Ji Maharaj. This meeting led to his initiation into the principles of sahchari bhav and Nitya Vihar Ras.

Devotion and Service

Maharaj Ji spent ten years closely serving his spiritual guide with complete humility and devotion, carrying out any task with great sincerity. Through his guide’s blessings and the divine atmosphere of Vrindavan, Premanand Maharaj Ji fully embraced sahchari bhav, showing unwavering devotion to Shri Radha.

Following his guide’s example, Maharaj Ji lived on Madhukari in Vrindavan, showing deep respect for the local residents. He believes experiencing divine love is deeply connected with embracing the lifestyle of Vrindavan’s residents.

Premanand Maharaj Ji’s life is a testament to the blessings he received from his spiritual guide and the sacred town of Vrindavan, shining through in every aspect of his journey.

YouTube Popularity

By the way, Premanand Maharajji has been conducting solitary satsang in Vrindavan Dham for many years. His daily routine was the same earlier as it is now. But ever since Premanand Maharaj ji started helping people with the help of YouTube, he started leaving a deep impression in the eyes of people.

The spiritual radiance of Maharajji’s face, his voice like the roar of a lion, and the constant chanting of the name Radha in every breath. All this could be a symptom of his spirituality and closeness to Priyaju.

So it is easy for common people like you to get mesmerised after hearing and seeing such a personality. This is the effect of his penance.

When his Ekantik Vartalaap on Bhramhacharya started going viral on YouTube, it seemed as if a different energy started flowing among the youth. And no one can deny this. I also put the link to that video here:

Since then, Premanandji Maharaj started awakening the name of Radha among the youth of India and abroad through mediums like Reels, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter etc.

Message and Prayers for Youth

Premanandji Maharaj was known for placing a special focus on the youth. He understood the challenges faced by young people in the modern world and strived to guide them on a spiritual path.

Here’s a breakdown of his efforts:

  • Messages: Premanandji Maharaj’s messages emphasized the importance of developing strong moral values, maintaining a pure mind, and focusing on self-realization. He encouraged youngsters to find purpose in life through spirituality and avoid distractions that could lead them astray.
  • Prayers: Premanandji Maharaj believed that prayer is a powerful tool for spiritual growth. He composed special prayers specifically for the youth, aimed at instilling devotion, seeking guidance, and overcoming negative tendencies.

FAQs about Shri Premanand Maharajji

How to meet Premanand Ji Maharaj?

To meet Premanandji Maharaj, you can go to Shri Hit Radha Keli Kunj at 4:30 am for satsang, or at 6:30 pm for the ekantik vartalaap session at Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, opposite Radharaman Colony in Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh.

Who is Premanand Ji Maharaj?

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj is a revered Rasik Saint from Vrindavan, known for his deep devotion to PriyaPriyatam and his embodiment of sahchari bhav. He is a direct disciple in the lineage of Shri Hit Harivansh Mahaprabhu, focusing on spreading the teachings of divine love, unconditional surrender, and the spiritual significance of Vrindavan Dham. His teachings aim to simplify complex spiritual concepts, making them accessible to all.

Where is Premanand Ji Maharaj Ashram?

Premanand Ji Maharaj’s Ashram is at Varaha Ghat, Vrindavan Parikrama Marg, near Bhaktivedanta Dharamshala, opposite Radharaman Colony, Vrindavan, Uttar Pradesh.

What is the age of Premanand Ji Maharaj?

However, looking at the glow on his face, no one can tell that his age is between 52-55 years. As per wikipedia his birth year is 1972.

Who is the guru of Premanand Ji Maharaj?

Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj was spiritually initiated and guided by Pujya Shri Hit Mohit Maral Goswami Ji, aligning him with the Radha Vallabh Sampradaya. Later, he deeply connected with Pujya Shri Hit Gaurangi Sharan Ji Maharaj, who further influenced his spiritual path and teachings. These gurus played a pivotal role in his development as a Rasik Saint and in his commitment to spreading the essence of divine love and Vrindavan Dham’s significance.

What are the daily Satsang timings with Premanand Ji Maharaj?

The daily Satsang timings with Premanand Ji Maharaj are from 04:10 to 05:30 am.

Is there a specific time for Darshan to attend Premanand Ji Maharaj’s Ashram?

Darshan times typically align with the Aarti and Satsang schedules. Mangla Aarti and morning Satsang from 4:10 AM to 5:30 AM, and evening Aarti times usually start from 6:00 PM to 6:15 PM during the Sandhya Aarti. For specific Darshan times outside these hours, it’s recommended that you check with Ashram directly or through official communication channels.

Are there any special sessions or teachings in the afternoon at the Ashram?

Yes, in the afternoon, there are scheduled activities including Dhup Aarti from 4:00 PM to 4:15 PM, followed by daily evening Vaanipath from 4:15 PM to 5:35 PM, and Bhakt Charitra till 6:00 PM. These sessions provide deeper insights into the teachings of Pujya Shri Premanand Maharaj Ji and are an opportunity for devotees to immerse themselves in Bhakti and spiritual learning.

Can devotees participate in the Hit Chaurasi and Radha Sudhanidhi Path? What are the timings?

Devotees are encouraged to participate in the Hit Chaurasi ji and Radha Sudhanidhi ji Path sessions. These are held from 6:30 AM to 8:15 AM on specific days of the week (Hit Chaurasi ji on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday; Radha Sudhanidhi ji on Tuesday and Friday). These sessions focus on readings and chants that are central to the devotional practices in Vrindavan.

How can followers engage with Premanand Ji Maharaj’s teachings if they are unable to attend in person?

For followers who cannot attend the Satsang or Aarti sessions in person, Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj’s teachings are accessible online. His lectures, Satsangs, and spiritual discourses are available on various social media platforms and the official website. Devotees can benefit from his guidance through these resources at their convenience.

What makes Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj unique?

The distinctiveness of Pujya Shri Hit Premanand Govind Sharan Maharaj is found in his profound spiritual development and journey. He was raised in a religious home and became interested in spirituality at a young age, which inspired him to seek renunciation and consider the meaning of life. His dramatic spiritual development is demonstrated by his change from a strict ascetic existence by the Ganges to becoming a Radha Vallabhi saint in Vrindavan. His life is an example of total surrender to divine love, characterized by pivotal events such as his initiation into the Radha-Vallabh Sampradaya and the profound influence of his guru, which demonstrate his unwavering dedication to spiritual development and devotion.

What are the core teachings of Pujya Maharaj Ji?

The teachings of Maharaj Ji place a strong emphasis on accepting the divine in all aspects of life, completely surrendering to divine will, and maintaining a firm faith in Shri Ji’s mercy. He advocates a life of devotion focused on Vrindavan Dham, saying that sincere love for PriyaPriyatam is more important than rigorous penance.

How can one participate in Maharaj Ji’s Satsang?

Early morning and evening sessions encompassing various spiritual teachings, Aarti, and Path are part of the daily Satsang schedule. You must pick up a pass or token from Radha Keli Kunj at least one day in advance in order to join these sessions; for instance, if you want to attend today’s Satsang, you must pick up the token yesterday. His lessons are available online and on social media for anybody who are unable to attend in person.


When we come to the end of our deep exploration of the life and teachings of Gurudev Bhagwan Shri Hit Premanandji Maharaj, we can clearly see that the road to heavenly love and spiritual enlightenment is both transparent and easily navigable. is a beacon of light, providing an abundance of information and insights for people who are keen to go further into the essence of spirituality and the dynamic culture of devotion.

For aspirants keen on exploring the multifaceted names and attributes of the divine, the Vishnu Sahasranamam provides a profound scriptural study. Meanwhile, the Vyas for Youth series continues to inspire with its dedication to introducing the saints of India and their invaluable teachings for our spiritual growth.

Among the gems of spiritual literature, the Bhagwat’s Seven Songs offer deep insights, with the Venu Geet encapsulating the transcendental flute music of Lord Krishna that enraptures the Gopis and all of creation. This essence of divine call and response is a testament to the unending love and devotion that permeates the heart of Vrindavan.

For those drawn to the physical presence and sanctity of Vrindavan, understanding the timings of the Prem Mandir can enhance your visit, allowing you to partake in the rituals and darshans that resonate with your soul’s yearning for divine connection.

Lastly, the stories and teachings of Indresh Upadhyay in the Vyas for Youth series, offer a modern interpretation of ancient wisdom, proving that the teachings of our saints are as relevant today as they were centuries ago.

In conclusion, learning about the life of Shri Hit Premanandji Maharaj and touring the spiritual surroundings of Vrindavan encourage us to reflect more deeply on our own spiritual journey. It invites us to fully experience Radha and Krishna’s heavenly love, leading us to a life of devotion, submission, and ultimate pleasure. Let us keep the spirit of Maharaj Ji’s teachings close to our hearts as we pursue our spiritual journey, always striving for the divine grace and love that Vrindavan embodies.

Popular Youtube Videos of Shri Premanand Maharaj ji


Author of This Article:

Devdutt Mishra

Devdutt Mishra

Devdutt Mishra is a devoted follower of Lord Krishna and has immersed himself deeply in the rich tapestry of Indian spiritual scriptures from a young age. His passion for understanding the profound wisdom of the ancient texts is reflected in his writings, offering readers a unique blend of tradition and contemporary insights.
Devdutt Mishra

Devdutt Mishra

Devdutt Mishra is a devoted follower of Lord Krishna and has immersed himself deeply in the rich tapestry of Indian spiritual scriptures from a young age. His passion for understanding the profound wisdom of the ancient texts is reflected in his writings, offering readers a unique blend of tradition and contemporary insights.

Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe Vrindavaneshvari
Vrishabhanu-Sute Devi Pranamami Hari-Priye

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