Venu Geet: From Bhagwat Mahapurana

Experience the enchanting वेणु गीत (Venu Geet) as Shri Krishna grazes cows on Giriraj Govardhan, accompanied by his childhood friends. Dive into the captivating Venu Geet lyrics and download the PDF to explore the magic of melodious वेणु गीत (venu geet lyrics).
Last Updated on 3 April 2024
Venu Geet

The enchanting Venu Geet, described in the Shrimad Bhagwat Mahapuran, resonates through the 21st chapter of the 10th Canto, presenting the lyrics (वेणु गीत लिरिक्स) of Shri Krishna’s divine flute music that captivates the Gopis of distant Vrindavan. As Shri Krishna, along with Lord Balram, herds the cows across the lush pastures of Giriraj Govardhan, the melodious tunes of his flute, the Venu, signify his entry into the forest, leaving the Gopis spellbound and inspired to share his pastimes with one another.

The Gopis express that witnessing Krishna playing the flute (वेणु गीत) is the epitome of visual grace. They ponder over the fortunes of the flute that intimately touches Krishna’s lips, a privilege for which the Gopikas yearn deeply. The Venu Geet’s vibrations compel peacocks to dance, and even the celestial beings, upon hearing the nectar-like music, are moved by desires, their ornaments disheveled by the profound impact of the melody.

As soon as Lord Krishna, Lord Balram and his cowherds entered the forest to graze the cows, Krishna started playing his flute. When the gopis heard this enchanting Venu’s Sound, they understood that Krishna was entering the forest. Then they narrated various pastimes of Krishna to each other.

Krishnashtakam image 4

The Gopis said, It is the supreme accomplishment of the eyes to see Krishna playing the flute while taking the cows to pasture. What virtuous deeds has this Vanshi done so that she can freely drink the nectar from the lips of Shri Krishna? How difficult is it for us Gopikas to get this boon? Hearing Krishna’s Venu, peacocks start dancing and seeing them dancing, all the other creatures are stunned.

The goddesses traveling through the sky in their respective planes become afflicted by Kamadeva and their clothes start sagging. After drinking the nectar of this Venu Geet, the ears of the cows perk up, their calves stand stunned and the milk being drunk from their mothers’ udders remains in their mouths.

The birds listen attentively to the song of Krishna’s flute, close their eyes and take shelter in the branches of the trees. The flowing rivers, distracted by the sweet attraction towards Krishna, stop flowing and start embracing the feet of Krishna with their wave-like hands and the clouds act as umbrellas to protect Krishna’s head from the sun.

Seeing the grass colored with red Kumkum that adorns the lotus feet of the Lord, the Shabar (A Bhil Cast) girls apply it on their breasts and faces in the name of vermilion so that their troubles caused by Kamadeva go away. Govardhan Mountain provides grass and various types of fruits and roots for the worship of Lord Krishna.

All the immovable beings have started showing the characteristics of the moving creatures and have become moving and moving. All these things are very amazing.

Very Beautiful Venu Geet of Bhagwat Mahapurana Start from Here:

बह्रापीडं नटवरवपुः कर्णयोः कर्णिकारं
बिभ्राद्वासः कनककपिशं वैजयंतीं च मंगलम्।
वृन्दारण्यं स्वपद्रमणं प्रविषद्गीतकीर्तिः ॥

Explanation: Wearing peacock feather ornaments on his head, blue Karnikar flowers in his ears, golden yellow clothes and Vaijayanti garland, Lord Krishna, displaying the divine form of the best dancer, entered the forest of Vrindavan and made it beautiful with his footprints. He filled the holes of his lineage with the nectar of his beautiful lips and the cowherd boys sang his praises.

अक्षण्वतां फलमिदं न परं विदामः
सख्यः पशूननुविवेशयतोर्वयस्यैः |
वक्त्रं व्रजेशसुतयोरनवेणुजुष्टं
यैर्वा निपीतमनुरक्तकटाक्षमोक्षम् ॥

Explanation: The Gopis said: Friends, the eyes that see the beautiful faces of both the sons of Nand Maharaj are certainly fortunate. As soon as both of them enter the forest surrounded by their friends and with the cows in front of them, they hold their descendants in their mouths and look at the people of Vrindavan with loving eyes. For those who have eyes, there is nothing greater than this to see in our understanding.

Krishnashtakam image 1

मालानुपृक्तपरिधानविचित्रवेशौ ।
मध्ये विरेजतुरलं पशुपालगोष्ठ्यां
रङ्गे यथा नटवरौ क्वच गायमानौ ॥

Explanation: Krishna and Balram, wearing their garlands and adorned with peacock feathers, lotus flowers, lotus flowers, mango shoots and bunches of flower buds, are appearing gracefully in the group of cowherd boys. They look like the best dancers ever to appear on a drama stage and sometimes they even sing.

गोप्यः किमाचरदयं कुशलं स्म वेणु-
र्दामोदराधरसुधामपि गोपिकानाम् ।
भुङ्गे स्वयं यदवशिष्टरसं ह्रदिन्यो
हृष्यत्त्वचोऽश्रु मुमुचुस्तरवो यथार्यः ॥

Explanation: O Gopis, what auspicious deeds would this dynasty have performed in order to freely drink the nectar of Krishna’s lips and to leave only a taste of it for the sake of us Gopis for whom it is actually nectar. Vanshi’s ancestors and bamboo trees must have shed tears of joy. The mother river on the banks of which this tree would have grown must have felt joy; That is why these blooming lotus flowers have stood up like the hairs on his body.

वृन्दावनं सखि भुवो वितनोति कीर्ति
यद्देवकीसुतपदाम्बुजलब्धलक्ष्मि ।
गोविन्दवेणुमनु मत्तमयूरनृत्यं
प्रेक्ष्याद्रिसान्ववरतान्यसमस्तसत्त्वम् ॥

Explanation: O Sakhi, Vrindavan is spreading the fame of the earth after getting the treasure of the lotus feet of Krishna, the son of Devaki. When the peacocks hear Govinda’s Venu, they start dancing with great enthusiasm and when other creatures see them dancing like this from the top of the mountain, they are all stunned.

धन्याः स्म मूढगतयोऽपि हरिण्य एता
या नन्दनन्दनमुपात्तविचित्रवेशम् ।
आकर्ण्य वेणुरणितं सहकृष्णसाराः
पूजां दधुर्विरचितां प्रणयावलोकैः ॥

Explanation: These foolish deer are blessed because they have reached near Nanda Maharaj’s son, who is ‘well dressed up and playing his flute. Truly, both the doe and the deer worship God with expressions full of love and affection.

कृष्णं निरीक्ष्य वनितोत्सवरूपशीलं
श्रुत्वा च तत्क्वणितवेणुविविक्तगीतम् ।
देव्यो विमानगतयः स्मरनुन्नसारा
भ्रश्यत्प्रसूनकबरा मुमुहुर्विनीव्यः ॥

Explanation: Krishna’s beauty and modesty are a celebration for all women. When the wives of the gods see them flying in planes with their husbands and hear the sound of their resounding Venu Geet, their hearts are stirred by Kamadeva and they become so captivated that flowers fall from their hair and Their belts become loose.

गावश्च कृष्णमुखनिर्गतवेणुगीत –
पीयूषमुत्तभितकर्णपुटैः पिबन्त्यः ।
शावा: स्नुतस्तनपयः कवलाः स्म तस्थु-
गोविन्दमात्मनि दृशाश्रुकलाः स्पृशन्त्यः ॥

Explanation: The cows are drinking the nectar of Venu Geet emanating from the mouth of Krishna with both their tubular ears raised. The calves stand still with their mouths full of milk flowing from their mothers’ wet breasts as they bring Govinda within themselves with their tearful eyes and embrace him in their hearts.

प्रायो बताम्ब विहगा मुनयो वनेऽस्मिन्कृ
ष्णेक्षितं तदुदितं कलवेणुगीतम् ।
आरुह्य ये द्रुमभुजान्रुचिरप्रवालान्
शृण्वन्ति मीलितदृशो विगतान्यवाचः ॥

Explanation: Hey mother! To see Krishna, all the birds in this forest have flown and sat on the beautiful branches of the trees. They are alone in solitude with their eyes closed and listening to the sweet sound of their Vanshi and they are not attracted towards any other sound. Truly these birds are of the category of great sages.

नद्यस्तदा तदुपधार्य मुकुन्दगीत-
मावर्तलक्षितमनोभवभग्नवेगाः ।
गृह्णन्ति पादयुगलं कमलोपहारा: ॥

Explanation: When the rivers listen to Krishna’s Geet of Venu, their hearts start loving him due to which the flow of the streams of the rivers gets disrupted and the water gets agitated and starts rotating like a whirlpool. Thereafter, the rivers embrace the lotus feet of Murari with their wave-like arms and hold them and offer lotus flowers to them.

दृष्ट्वातपे व्रजपशून्सह रामगोपैः
सञ्चारयन्तमनु वेणुमुदीरयन्तम् ।
प्रेमप्रवृद्ध उदितः कुसुमावलीभिः
सख्युर्व्यधात्स्ववपुषाम्बुद आतपत्रम् ॥

Explanation: Lord Krishna keeps playing his flute continuously even in the hot summer sun while grazing all the animals of Vraj in the company of Balram and the cowherd boys. Seeing this, the clouds in the sky spread themselves out of love. Rising high and with innumerable drops of water like a flower, he has made his own body an umbrella for his friend.

पूर्णाः पुलिन्द्य उरुगायपदाब्जराग-
श्रीकुङ्कुमेन दयितास्तनमण्डितेन ।
लिम्पन्त्य आननकुचेषु जहुस्तदाधिम् ॥

Explanation: The tribal girls of Vrindavan region get sexually aroused after seeing the grass stained with red kumkum powder. This powder, given by the color of Krishna’s lotus feet, originally used to adorn the breasts of his beloveds and when tribal women apply it on their faces and breasts, all their worries go away.

हन्तायमद्रिरबला हरिदासवर्यो
यद्रामकृष्णचरणस्परशप्रमोदः ।
मानं तनोति सहगोगणयोस्तयोर्यत्
पानीयसूयवसकन्दरकन्दमूलैः ॥

Explanation: This Govardhan mountain is the best among all the devotees. Friends, this mountain fulfills all the needs of Krishna and Balram as well as their cows, calves and cowherd boys – drinking water, very soft grass, caves, fruits, flowers and vegetables. In this way this mountain respects God. Govardhan Mountain appears extremely happy after getting the touch of the lotus feet of Krishna and Balram.

गा गोपकैरनुवनं नयतोरुदार-
वेणुस्वनैः कलपदैस्तनुभृत्सु सख्यः ।
अस्पन्दनं गतिमतां पुलकस्तरुणां
निर्योगपाशकृतलक्षणयोर्विचित्रम् ॥

Explanation: O friends, when Krishna and Balram along with their cowherd friends pass through the forest carrying their cows, they carry with them a shoe to tie the hind legs of the cows during milking. When Lord Krishna plays his flute, the moving creatures are stunned by the melodious music and the moving trees start shaking with joy. Certainly these things are very surprising.

एवंविधा भगवतो या वृन्दावनचारिणः ।
वर्णयन्त्यो मिथो गोप्यः क्रीडास्तन्मयतां ययुः ॥

Explanation: In this way, while narrating to each other the playful pastimes related to the wandering of the Supreme Lord in the forest of Vrindavan, the Gopis became completely engrossed in his thoughts.


Hope this little effort of ours has increased your devotion.

You can enjoy this song with devotion and for this, we have made a PDF version of this song which you can download and sing it every day.

The Venu Geet lyrics (वेणु गीत लिरिक्स) illustrate a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary under the influence of Krishna’s flute. Rivers halt their flow, mesmerized by the Venu’s call, and mountains like Govardhan serve as sanctuaries to these divine vibrations. Through this Venu Geet, the flora and fauna of Vrindavan embody the joy and reverence for the Supreme Lord.

As the Venu Geet progresses, it unveils the deep spiritual connection between the inhabitants of Vrindavan and their beloved Krishna. Every stanza of the Venu Geet is infused with devotion, painting a vivid picture of Krishna’s interactions with his environment, where even the inanimate expresses life in its fullest form.

In conclusion, our humble effort aims to deepen your devotion through the Venu Geet of Bhagwat Mahapurana. We invite you to immerse yourself in this devotional experience by downloading the Venu Geet with lyrics (PDF) and embracing the Venu Geet daily.

Download Venu Geet With Lyrics (PDF)

At the end of this article, we have also included a link to the video from which you can listen to the description of the Rudra Geet in the voice of Shri Indresh Upadhyayji (Vyas for Youth).

We have also written detailed articles on 7 Geet which are Gopi Geet, Bhramar Geet, Yugal Geet, Ayil Geet and Bhikshuk Geet mentioned in Bhagwat, which is definitely worth reading only on vrindavanrasamrit

Also, Check Out our exclusive collection of Radha Krishna images, a visual tribute that captures the essence of Vrindavan’s eternal love story.

Jai Jai Shree Radhe!

Recommended Venu Geet to Listen

Author of This Article:

Chaitanya Upadhyay

Chaitanya Upadhyay

A spiritual expert and prolific writer with a lifelong passion for Indian scriptures, including the Vedas, Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and more. His journey began in childhood, leading him to become a respected authority in the field, sharing profound insights through his blogs.
Chaitanya Upadhyay

Chaitanya Upadhyay

A spiritual expert and prolific writer with a lifelong passion for Indian scriptures, including the Vedas, Puranas, Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, and more. His journey began in childhood, leading him to become a respected authority in the field, sharing profound insights through his blogs.

Tapta-Kanchana-Gaurangi Radhe Vrindavaneshvari
Vrishabhanu-Sute Devi Pranamami Hari-Priye

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